Amy Winehouse: The Worst Dressed Female Celebrity

Lakeside Shopping Centre, in Thurrock, Essex has conducted an interesting poll recently. In accordance to the poll, Amy Winehouse has been named the worst dressed female celebrity! The poll has also revealed that showing off a flabby midriff is considered the most shocking offence among six out of 10 Britons.

Amy Winehouse topped the worst dressed poll for her dishevelled 1950s style. Jodie Marsh and Peaches Geldof were in second and third places respectively. Shell–suits tucked into socks, G–strings showing, head–to–toe animal prints, muffin tops, black shoes with white socks and the mullet haircut are all on the list of what not to wear.
With his pseudo–Victorian garb, Russell Brand has been picked as the worst dressed male, followed closely by Michael Jackson
, Simon Cowell and Mickey Rourke. When it comes to crimes against fashion, we've all been guilty of the odd misdemeanour – but there's no excuse for sloppy dressing.The poll has also unearthed fashion skeletons of more than 1,000 Britons. Shell–suits emerged as the most disastrous item for men, while puffball skirts topped the poll of closet catastrophes for women, just ahead of shoulder pads.